

This application is intended to keep track of ISO containers. It allows to track of container events with income (services) and expenses connected to those events such as container receipt (Gate In), container dispatch (Gate Out), sale, purchase, rent end etc.

The automotive departments of your company can provide transportation of vehicles from different countries by every transport means.

Contflow (container flow) provides following functions:

  • Purchase and sale of containers
  • Container rental
  • Genset rental
  • Arrival of the container at the depot (gate-in)
  • Departure of the container from the depot (gate-out)
  • Calculation of warehouse storage of containers and cargo
  • Registration of ocean, road, railway and air transportation
  • Registration of revenue and expenses in any currency
  • Loading cargo into a container
  • Unloading cargo from a container
Inland container software



The application is intended to keep track of containers at the container yards, hinterland.
Firstly, there is the registration of all container events: the receipt of the container at the yard, dispatch, purchase, sale, repairs, rental, etc. As a result, we get a complete history of all that has happened to the container.

Second, there is an automatic container storage calculation. Manual calculation of storage is quite a time-consuming process especially when there is a large number of movements of different containers’ sizes. The application allows to forget about all the difficulties associated with calculation of the storage. Now storage is calculated quickly and accurately, with using different rates.

Third, registration and storage of containers events are closely related to the calculation of finance. The application has a strong financial unit, which allows to keep records of income and expenses, print certificates of tasks executed, invoices. It is possible to register bank payments on issued and received invoices.

You can store any documents in the application: scans, files, pictures that are associated with a given counterparty.
The application can be used by the container terminals, depots and yards, container operators, freight forwarders. The application can be used for port forwarding.

For example, the company is leasing containers or buying containers and renting the containers. Consequently, the container is transported somewhere else in the country (hinterland) and sold. All container locations can be considered as storage. This whole scheme of easily reproduced in the application.

The application calculates the profit (income) from the use of the container. At any time, you will know the exact income (profit) for the container.
Containedores transportes
Containedores transportes
Containedores transportes
Container Depot
The application allows:
  • container inventory.
  • invoicing.
  • stuffing and de-stuffing.
  • to keep track of rent of containers.
  • accounting for the purchase and sale of containers.
  • cost accounting for the repairing of containers.
  • to keep track of containers in transit.
  • registration of orders for containers.
  • to count of container storage days at the yard.
  • to quickly obtain information about the availability of containers at the yards / hinterland.
  • to quickly turn to the history of the container (Gate In / Gate Out, renting, buying / selling, repairing, etc.).
  • to quickly and accurately calculate the container storage on the yards by any periods using of client rates.
  • to quickly get the final financial data by any period for the services provided.
  • to calculate the profit (income) from the use of the container.
  • to print a certificate of acceptance.

Contaner Destuffing

Main features:

  • Receipt (Gate In), Dispatch (Gate Out), Delivery, Selling, Purchase, Rent, Repairs and so on.
  • Keeping account of road transportation of containers.
  • Approval of containers' orders.
  • Recording of container loading, unloading, lifting, etc.
  • The history of all containers' movements.
  • Arrival of containers to the yard.
  • Departure of containers from the yard.
  • Warehousing of cargo.
  • Position where the container laden (stuffing) or unladen.
Receipt of container (Gate In)
  • Availability of containers at the container yard.
  • Quick search for container's events.
  • Container number control.
  • There is the history of all container events (operations).
  • History of container storage.
  • Changing the status of the container (the change of ownership, etc.).
  • The owner of the container.
  • The presence of containers on the yards at any given date.
  • Controlling of prefixes and numbers of containers. 
  • Haulage. 
  • Cargo Worthy Condition. Certificate issued by a surveyor pursuant to an inspection confirming a container is suitable for transportation under TIT / UIC / CSC….
  • Dangerous goods or hazardous goods. DG Cargo.
  • Year of manufacture. YOM
  • Valid prefix of container.
  • WWT or Wind and Water Tight repair criteria.
  • CSC plate can be found on every working shipping container.
  • Accounting for purchasing and sale of containers.
  • Accounting for the cost of the container.
  • Expenses accounting, re-expenditure as a service (income).
  • Calculation of profit from the use of the container.
  • Calculation of container storage.
  • Accounting for leases of containers.
  • Accounting for the cost of services in trucking of containers (transportation, crane, loading of containers).
  • Accounting for the cost of container storage  at the yard in days.
  • Automatic calculation of the cost of container storage at the depot.
  • Calculationof free days container storage.
  • Invoicing (outcoming, incoming). 
  • Revenue, Expenses.
  • Any currency.
  • Rate, quote, tariff. 
catalogs :
  • Containers.
  • Shippers, Sea Lines, Owners, Consignees, Carriers, Exporters, Importers, Freight Forwarders, Customs
  • Contracts (outcoming, incoming).
  • Rates for container storage.
  • Rates for services (revenue) .
  • Counterparties, Sea Lines, Routes, Trucks, Revenue, Expenses. 

frequently asked Questions

How to get started with the application?

Contact us with a request for the application. To demonstrate the work of the application, we will install the application together and show how to use it. The application will stay on your computer. You can use the application to know more about its capabilities. Further, to work with the application, you will need to buy it.

How much does the application cost?

How much does application maintenance cost?

How much will it cost to tune the application for our requirements?

What is the installation and implementation of the application?

Which documents are made for application purchasing?

download the brochure

Could you please read the brochure?

Inland Container
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