The application includes a lot you need to apply first-mile export workflow right from the stuffing of a container to the sea line booking and issuing House (Master) Bill of Lading.
The application leverages all the freight forwarder’s stages including customs instruction, driver instruction, shipping instruction to name a few.
The application has problem-solving capabilities. Each of the tasks has been performed in an easy-to-understand approach.
The Shipping application makes it easy for export managers to manage information about customers' orders, sea line bookings, customs broker instructions, driver instructions for container packages, shipment departure and arrival dates, and team members' responsibilities.
The application also allows export managers to access related information at the click of the mouse about customers, containers, bookings, bills of ladings, invoices, and other pieces of information.
In addition, managers can link to information in other modules in the Shipping application, including detailed invoices, revenues, costs, and contracts.
Shipping application's style has been designed by UI/UX expert and Full-stack Software Engineer Viacheslav Boiko https://www.linkedin.com/in/viacheslav-boiko/